Deacon Jonathan Wheelock was born 18 Sep 1727 in Shrewsbury, MA to Gershom Wheelock (1693-1770) & Abigail Flagg (1694-1762).
Here's a copy of his will
He founded the First Episcopalian Church. He was a member of the Committee of Public Safety in 1777 in Cavendish, VT.
He married 20 Jun 1753 to Anne Drury Born 26 Apr 1734 in Natick, MA and died 4 Oct 1802 in Cavendish. Her parents were John Daniel Drury & Anne Gleason.
Deacon Jonathan was a Revolutionary Solider who enlisted three times from aprox.1776-1777. He was the signer of the Association Tests. These were loyalty oaths that individuals, primarily adult males, were required to sign, pledging their allegiance to the Patriot cause and the American rebellion against British rule.
This is transcribed by Ed Burke from photo copies of research either done by or on behalf of Charles Alfred Cunningham proving Revolutionary War ancestry.
Johnathan Wheelock was the son of Capt. Gershom Wheelock, (Colonial Wars) and Abigail Flagg, his wife, born in Shrewsbury Mass., Sept 18, 1727. On June 20 1753 he married Anna, daughter of Daniel and Sarah (Flagg) Drury of Shrewsbury. He removed in 1775 to Petersburg, N. H..
He is stated to be one of the "Sergeants in the Military" in 1776. He was a member of the Town Committee of Safety in 1777. In June 29th he enlisted for the first time and was a member of Capt. Robbe's Company which answered the Ticonderoga Alarm in 1777. He was discharged from this service (July 3rd) of five days and was paid 1# 15s 10d.
Massachusetts Line: Photo from Wikipedia
Deacon Jonathan and his wife Anne had the following children
Jonathan Wheelock 1754-1842
Anna Alma Wheelock 1756-1835
Zerviah Wheelock 1758-1830
Joseph Drury Wheelock 1770-1858
John Gleason Wheelock 1774-1855
Ebenezer Wheelock 1760-1837
I love a good ghost story, I never dreamed that there would be one about my relative, but apparently there is. They say Deacon Jonathan Wheelock haunts his home, I will link the site address where I found these photos of his home in Cavendish, VT and now I have to go there.
Deacon Jonathan Wheelock died from a violent accident on 21 Oct 1798 in Cavendish, VT. I have yet to find out what that was, but this might be why he is still on his land.
Here's a copy of his will
Copies from site:
Will of Deacon Jonathan Wheelock of Cavendish
(18 Sep 1727 - 21 Oct 1798)
Written 16 Dec 1797
[Transcribed by Dale Edward Wheelock, Feb 2002]
In the Name of God Amen-I Jonathan Wheelock of Cavendish in the State of Vermont, being in a weak and feeble State of Body-but of sound Perfect mind and memory-Blessed Will. Be Almighty God for the same-I do make and ordain this to be my last Will and Testament That is to say. Principally and first of all-I Give and recommend my soul to God who gave it and my body I recommend to the Earth to be Buried in a Decent Christian manner Nothing Doubting but at the general Resurrection I Shall be raised the same again by the mighty Power of God-as Touching such soon to be Estate as it hath Pleased God to Bless me with I give and Dispose of the same in the following manner and form viz. after my Just Debts and Funeral Charges are paid.
Item. I give to Anna my beloved Wife the free use and improvements of one third Part of all the Real and Personal Estate that I shall die seized and Possessed of Except the dwelling house I live in and I give her the one half of said house Cellar and well to-improve as she Pleases During her natural life-I also-give her my household furniture to be at her Disposal among her children when she has done with it-
Item. I give to my Son Jonathan Wheelock fifty-five acres of Land lying in Cavendish afford said which was deeded to me by Jack Wheeler and will appear by said Deed~
Item. I give to my Daughter Anna Upton Wife of Robert Upton together with her Husband Robert Upton the sum of thirty Dollars to be Paid by my executors in one year after my Decease-
Item. I give to my Daughter Zerviha wife of Jonathan Connick one hundred and thirty three Dollars and one third of a Dollar to Be Paid by my Executors four years after my Decease
Item. I give to my Son Ebenezer Wheelock three hundred Dollars
Item. I give to my Son Jonathan Wheelock thirty Dollars--to be paid by my Executors in four years after my Decease-
Item. I give to my Son Joseph Drury Wheelock ten Dollars to be paid by Executors in four Years after my Decease
Item. I give to my son John Gleason Wheelock forty Dollars and one half of the dwelling house I now live in
Item. I give to my Niece Prudence Brown Wife of John Brown and her heirs Born of her Body thirty three Dollars and one third of a Dollar to be paid by my Executors in four years from my Decease in addition to what I have here to for given her-
Item. I give to my grandson Jonathan Wheelock the Boy who now lives with me thirty three Dollars and one third of a Dollar to be paid by my Executors in four years after my Decease-
Item. I give to the Congregational Church of Christ in Cavendish a good black tin flagon to be kept for the Soul Use of said Church to be Procured by my Executors in one year after my Decease and my Will is that the remainder of my Estate be equally--Divided among my Children above named or their heirs to Share alike-and I do here by Constitute and appoint my two sons Ebenezer and John Gleason Wheelock my Executors of this my Last Will and testament-and Do-hereby revoke Disannul all and every other former Will and Legacies and Executors by me Willed and named-Ratifying this and no other to be my last Will and testament in testimony where of I here unto Set my hand and Seal this Sixteenth Day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven
Jonathan Wheelock (LS)
Signed Sealed Published Pronounced and Delivered by the said Jonathan Wheelock as his last Will and Testament in Presence of us who Sign our names as Witness in the Presence of Each other
William Spaulding
Aaron Parker
Benj'n Adams
Notes: Jonathan died 21 October 1798.
This will was probated 27 November 1798.
Through his affiliation with the church he was
known in his latter years as Deacon Jonathan Wheelock.
The third witness is Benjamin Adams.
Transcribed February 2002 by Dale Wheelock.
This was so much fun to research and I learned so much.
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