Rev. John Norris Young: Our relation is, husband of paternal 1st cousin of husband of 3rd cousin 5x removed
Rev. John Norris Young was born 14 Feb 1813 in Abbeville County of South Carolina. His parents were Francis Armor Young II & Nancy Little.
Rev. John Norris Young was not only a Minister but he was also a teacher, I found two records on Ancestry For the Miami University in Ohio. The first one is dated 1892 which is after his death, the second one is 1853.
Here are a few photos of the University I found most were found on Pinterest and didn't have a domain so i couldn't site the source.
I also found some newspaper articles for a Bible Society he belonged to.
The Abbeville Press And Banner
Abbeville, South Carolina
Fri, Jul 10, 1868 · Page 3
The Daily Phoenix
Columbia, South Carolina
Thu, Dec 25, 1873 · Page 2
The Abbeville Press And Banner
Abbeville, South Carolina
Wed, Dec 7, 1887 · Page 8
I also found he owned slaves, which didn't surprise me because of the era and place he lived. The Slave Schedule shows he had 6 slaves.
Male 34
Female 23
Female 19
Female 18
Male 17
Male 6/12
He was first married to Elizabeth Jane Irwin born in 1818 in Ohio, they had two sons.
Francis George Young 1843-1844
William Irwin Young 1844-1845
Her Obituary:
"Associate Reformed Presbyterian Death & Marriage Notices from 'The Christian Magazine of the South,' 'The Erskine Miscellany,' and 'The Due West Telescope,' 1843-1863" compiled by Lowry Ware
Page 8
January, 1845, 31-32.
Departed this life at Due West Corner on the 23rd of September last of pulmonic consumption, Elizabeth Jane, wife of Rev. J. N. Young, leaving one child, an infant son, to feel her loss. The deceased was a native of the State of Ohio, in which she continued to reside until the Fall of 1841.
Rev. Young then married his second wife in 1845 in Abbeville County, SC
Eleanor Euphemia Strong
Birth 18 JAN 1823 Prosperity, Newberry, South Carolina
Death 28 OCT 1862 Due West, Abbeville, South Carolina, USA
They had the following children:
Elizabeth Jane Young
Rev. Charles Strong Young
Matthew Henry Martin Young
John Mason Young
Rev. James Little Young
Nancy Caroline Young
Mary Evelyn Young
Mollie Young
Eleanor Euphemia Young
Martha Anna Young
Harriet Young
Elizabeth Jane Young died of Apoplexy
Rev. Charles Strong died of Apoplexy
Matthew Henry Martin Young also died of Pneumonia
He entered the Confederate Army before he was sixteen years old and served several months, but was never in a major battle. He came home, finished Erskine College - graduating in 1869 - then went to Baltimore and took a business course at the Southern Business College, graduating November 10, 1870.
He had wanted to be a physician, but at the close of the war money was very scarce, so he took a job in a store. He later opened his own store and was a merchant in Due West for more than fifty years.
He was honest and compassionate. He could not push for payment if the customer did not have the money to pay. In spite of many unpaid debts owed to him, the store supported the family, and all eight of their children received a college education.
Father (Matthew Henry Martin Young) had a keen sense of humor. He never forgot a joke and had one suitable for every occasion. He was also a wonderful storyteller. He charmed his children and grandchildren with his stories, both Bible and classical. Father was a real scholar. Until his death, he was able to pick up a Latin book and read it. He helped all of his children in the struggles with Latin, which was then required in all four years of college.
His gentleness, kindness, and humility were the traits that I most remember about him.
He served the church faithfully. For most of his adult life he was a deacon, and frequently was treasurer of the church. He also taught the adult Bible class.
He died of pneumonia on May 21st, 1928, after an illness of five days. He was buried in the Due West cemetery, beside his father's plot.
Bio from Louis Young his son
Their daughter Nancy Caroline Young drowned in the Cistern in her father's garden in their backyard.
Eleanor Euphemia Young died of measles
Martha Anna Young died of Pneumonia
Photos were found online from a book called American Descendants of William Gaston & Mary Olivet Lemon
Compiled by Max Perry 1991
I must say it's been so much fun to trace my genealogy to reach out into many different branches. At the bottom I will show you how I am related through all the lines, as things can be very confusing when you have a 3rd cousin 5x removed. LOL
This line can be traced to records others have worked on for the U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications.
I personally have not done this yet and plan to someday, I did help my husband with his Mayflower Membership, but I have no decedents. But it was fun helping him, it's a lot of work, you have to show documentation for every person.
Rev. John Norris Young 1813-1891
husband of my paternal 1st cousin of husband of 3rd cousin 5x removed
Eleanor Euphemia Strong 1823-1862
Wife of Rev. John Norris Young
Rev. Charles Strong 1788-1824
Father of Eleanor Euphemia Strong
William James Strong 1804-1856
Brother of Rev. Charles Strong
Charles Strong
Son of William James Strong
Martha Ann Dickson
Wife of Charles Strong
Martha Strong
Mother of Martha Ann Dickson
Christopher Strong 1760-1850
Father of Martha Strong
Janet (Jane) Gaston 1726-1801
Mother of Christopher Strong
Mary Gaston 1712-1802
Sister of Janet (Jane) Gaston
Lilias McClure 1758-1790
Daughter of Mary Gaston
James Baird 1782-1861
Son of Lilias McClure
Mary Jane Baird 1811-1880
Daughter of James Baird
James Baird Couch 1838-1890
Son of Mary Jane Baird
James Baird Couch 1874-1909
Son of James Baird Couch
Dorothy Couch 1903-2001
Daughter of James Baird Couch
Ruth Genevieve Robertson 1935-
Daughter of Dorothy Couch
Gwen Doreen Kubberness
You are the daughter of Ruth Genevieve Robertson
Happy hunting for your ancestors and adding all those branches to your tree.
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