William Small, b. Tipperary, Ireland,13Mar 1844; d. St. Charles Township, Winona County, MN., 7-28-1888; bd. Hillside Cemetery, St. Charles, MN.; immigrated at age seven with his parents to Green Lake County, WI.; 1858 moved to Quincy Township, Olmsted County, MN.; 1862 enlisted in Company D, Seventh Regiment Minnesota Volunteer Infantry; fought under General Henry Hastings Sibley in 1862 Sioux Uprising; participated in Battles of Tupelo, Nashville, Spanish Fort and Fort Blakely; promoted corporal at mustering out in 1865; purchased property, known as "Hazel Hurst Farm," in Sections 14 and 15, St. Charles Township, Winona County, MN.; a democrat; his marriage to an Episcopalian later led relatives in St. Charles to view his death as punishment for having abandoned Catholic church; killed by lightning in a severe thunderstorm while harvesting barley on his farm; "an honest and industrious man and a good neighbor and citizen;" in their thank-you card for the sympathy they received at the time of his death, his widow and children wrote, "Our great sorrow and sudden affliction would have been unbearable, but for the loving hearts and willing hands that came to relieve and console us."
William Small & Wife Sophia Talbot |
William Small made this chair |
Small Grave Yard |
William Small Funeral |
William Small in Military Uniform |
Small Farm 1903 |
William & Sophia's Spoons |
William made this table |
William Talbot |
He married Sophia Talbot
Sophia Talbot pillow sham she made |
Sophia Talbot Small funeral |
Sophia Talbot |
Sophia's Headstone found in a crawl space at the farm it was replaced with a different one |
Their Children: In order of Birth:
Charles William Small |
Minnie Sophia Small
Then Agnes Small No photo
Lillie Belle Small |
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