A Helping Hand- Younger Gang

I Have been helping a co-worker of mine trace his family history, and in doing so, have found he is related to OUTLAWS!!!! How fascinating. Here's what we found.

His 6th Great-Grandfather

Joshua Logan Younger

Joshua Logan Younger born 11 May 1752 in Hampshire, VA, died 2 Aug 1834 in Shawswick, IN, He married Catherine Yoter she was born 25 Dec 1766 in Hampshire, VA and died 11 March 1858 in Lawrence County, IN. 2nd wife Elizabeth Lee married 1770, She was born 22 Feb 1755 in Hampshire, VA, d 15 Sep 1787 in Lancaster, VA.
Joshua Logan Younger (who was at Valley Forge under George Washington when the 12th Regiment of the Continental Army Virginia under James Wood was attached to the General Army over the winter of 1776-1777)who fought in the Revolutionary War.

The records of the War Department show that Joshua Younger served in the Revolutionary War as a private in Captain William Vance's Company of the 12th Virginia Regimant of Foot, Commanded by Col. James Wood. He enlisted Jan 28, 1777 for the period of war, was transferred in June 1778 to Col. James Wood's Company of Foot, composed of the 4th, 8th, and 12th Virginia Regiments and in Oct 1778 to William Vance's Company of the 8th Virginia Regiment and Commanded by Colonel James Wood. He was discharged April 11, 1779. No records of any other man of this name has been found on the records of the Revolutionary War on file in the office. Copy of report from adjutant General's office War Department, Washington DC. Joshua Younger's residence during the Revolutionary War was Culpepper Co., Virginia.

Joshua Younger, "He first fought in the Battle of Boston, was wounded and sent home. He re-enlisted under Col. James Wood and fought in the battle of Quebec under the command of General Montgomery. Was wounded early in the battle and taken a prisioner and later exchanged to his regiment just in time to take part in the Battle of Germantown and the Surrender of Burgoyne. He was with Washington at Valley Forge in the winter of 1778 and 1779. He was in the Battle of Monmouth and others, was wounded in the Battle of Bertheson Bay, served four years and was honorably discharged early in 1770. He was a close friend of Daniel Boone."

3 Joshua Logan Younger

+Elizabeth Lee b: Abt. 1754 d: Abt. 1791 

Virginia and West Virginia Genealogical Data from Revolutionary War (pages 241 and 242) .

YOUNGER, JOSHUA, b. VA; esf 1777 in 12th VA Regiment, discharge for disability for wound at Winchester, VA; granted disability PN 1786 age 34; moved 1779 from Hampshire County, VA to Nicholas County, KY; where PN 1829; occupation farmer; his wife age 62, and son Garrett and Garrett’s wife age 20 reside with him then; residence 1833 Lawrence Co., IN; where had moved to be with children, four of them living there and one residing Orange Co., IN. death date 2 Aug 1834. Widow granted BLW 39222 there 1855. Lewis Younger (NKG) living there 1856.  

James FITZPATRICK (Affiant) 1819 Nicholas Co., KY he served with soldier in same Revolutionary War company.

Abraham HITE (Affiant) then Jefferson Co., KY he Captain of Company in 12th VA Regiment in Revolutionary War and soldier member of his Company; QLF 1907 from US Congressman in behalf of soldier grandson Joshua YOUNGER of Mitchell County, IN.

  1933 from descendant D. R. Bishop, says he descendant of soldier and first wife, Elizabeth LEE, and soldier buried in Leatherwood Cemetery, Lawrence Co., IN and tombstone says soldier born 11 May 1755 and died 21 Aug 1834; and soldier had resided that county in Shawnee township.

"The bearer, hereof, Joshua Younger, was a private in the 12th Regiment of the Continental Establishment until he received a wound which rendered him unfit for further service, when he was regularly discharged by me, a Colonel of the said Regiment, after which he was placed on the list of Pensioners. I further testify that he was estimated a good soldier while in the service and that he has from every information which I have been able to obtain, maintained the character of a respectable citizen. Signed: James Wood, Formerly General of the Continental Army. Joshua Logan Younger served under George Washington at Valley Forge."

The 12th Virginia Regiment was raised on September 16, 1776 at Williamsburg, Virginia for service with the (U.S.) Continental Army. The regiment saw action in the Battle of Brandywine, Battle of Germantown, Battle of Monmouth and the Siege of Charleston. Most of the regiment was captured at Charlestown, South Carolina on May 12, 1780 by the British and the regiment was formally disbanded on January 1, 1783.

General George Washington, following the Battle of Black Hill (Edge Hill), sought winter quarters for his army at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Strategically located to offer a superior defensive position, the higher ground surrounding the camp also provided a means to keep an eye on the British and prevent incursions by them into interior Pennsylvania.

Conditions were harsh when the men arrived December 19, 1977, but within three days the first log hut had been built. The men were resourceful and quick to build fortifications and shelter; however, the wet, damp weather created a perfect atmosphere for disease and discomfort. The relatively moderate winter still brought alternate freezing and melting of the ice and snow and food sources were scarce. Thanks, however, to the efforts of General Baker Christopher Ludwig, the men had fresh bread daily. Many of their horses died of starvation and hunger and the men fared little better, some 2,500 lost to typhoid, dysentery, and pneumonia. Disease was rampant and empty stomachs a constant pain. Many men deserted but those who stayed were toughened.

The Continental Army was unable to provide clothing or food, but female relatives of the men did what they could to feed and clothe the men. The men were poorly trained due to a lack of manuals and professional soldiers among their ranks. All that changed when Benjamin Franklin sent his friend Baron Friedrich Willhelm von Steuben to Washington at Valley Forge, along with his high recommendations. Baron von Steuben did not speak English, but the highly-trained Prussian soldier (who had served on the elite staff of Frederick the Great) did speak French. Being so close to the French colony of Canada, many of the men in camp were able to convert his instructions, given in French, to English and create the much-needed training manuals. Baron von Steuben was a "hands-on" instructor whose loud commands could be heard ringing over the noise of camp as he drilled the crew of half-starved, dispirited men into a well-trained military

By the time Washington's army emerged June 19, 1778, six months after their arrival, they were able to respond to commands quickly, fire their muskets with efficiency and had learned to alternate shots so as to maintain a barrage of fire while the awkward firearms could be re-loaded by half the men while the other half fired their just-loaded weapons. The army marched off in pursuit of the British as the Brits moved toward New

The war would last another five years, but the men of George Washington's army had gained a huge victory at great cost during their winter at Valley Forge. From a group of bedraggled, ill-trained men to a finely tuned army with high morale and a group of some 500 camp followers who helped maintain morale and health, they would go forward to win the battle for independence, the Revolutionary War.

George Hempleman (son of Baron von Hempleman, Hesse Castle, Germany)  Benjamin Wright of Rowan County, North Carolina (married Barbara Morgan) 5-G-Grandfather; David Motley Ellington (Amelia County, Virginia, whose Allington family emigrated from England) who fought in the Battle of Cowpens, Guilford Courthouse and then witnessed the surrender of Cornwallis’ sword to General George Washington at Yorke Town, Virginia; Jacob Peter Gilstrap, Jr.; (Old Gilstrap-Gilstrop Family of England emigrated to America about 1725) North Carolina Militia; Joseph Alexander (Immigrant from Ulster, County Tyrone, Ireland) 4G-Grandfather; and Richard Malone, (Irish Immigrant).

They had the following children.
born 1736 County Cork, Ireland)whose daughter Frances was wed to Joseph Alexander.

1)Charles Lee Younger b. 28 Dec 1779 Hampshire, VA. d. 12 Nov 1831 in Osceola, MO
2) Peter b. 1780 in Grant County, KY

Charles Lee Younger married three times his wives were Parmelia Dorcus Wilson, Nancy Toney and Sarah Purcell, And Sarah Purcell (b. 1782 in Crab Orchard, Ky, d. 11 Jan 1859) 

This quote came from a book called A History of the Pioneer Families of Missouri, written by Wm. S. Bryan and Robert Rose and published in 1876 by Bryan, Brand & Co., St. Louis, MO,

[p. 235, Montgomery County (A History of the Pioneer Families of Missouri)]:.

It may not be generally known that the ancestor of the notorious Younger boys was an early settler of Montgomery county. His name was CHARLES YOUNGER. He came from Mount Sterling, KY., and settled near Pinckney, then in Montgomery, but now in Warren County, about 1819, where he lived until 1822, when he removed to Callaway county, and settled on Auxvasse Creek. He was a horse racer and gambler in Kentucky, and followed the same pursuits in Missouri. One day in Kentucky, he placed his little son on a fine horse to run a race. The horse threw the child and killed him, but Younger dragged his body out of the way and placed another son on the horse, who won the race. In 1823 he sold his place on the Auxvasse to DAVID HENDERSON, and removed to Clay County, where he died soon after. His son, COLEMAN YOUNGER, who was the father of the boys who have become so well known as outlaws in this state, was a delegate from Clay county to the convention that nominated GENERAL TAYLOR for President in 1848.

This quote is included for the curiousity of the story, but may not be historically accurate. The frontispiece of this book cautions the reader to take each story with the understanding that no attempt was made to document the accuracy of the account given. The stories were gathered in personal visits to the families of some 800 Missouri pioneers. When different versions were supplied, attempts were made to provide the story nearest the truth. Some elements of the story related below bear out in historical research..

For instance, Coleman Younger was not the father of the Younger brothers who formed the Younger Gang; however a brother to Charles Lee was named Coleman and, indeed is shown in more than one census living next door. In fact, the 1840 US Census of Clay County, MO was enumerated by Coleman Younger. He was NOT the father of the Younger Gang brothers. Their father was Henry Washington Younger, a son of Charles Lee (Col. or Cole) Younger, and a full brother to my GGG Grandmother, Virginia Lee Younger Creek. However, historical records show that Charles Younger purchased land in Warren County, Missouri. [See Residence 1824 for land patent data.] Further, Charles Younger did not "die soon after" moving to Clay County, MO. In fact, his death would not occur until 12 Nov. 1854.

The uncle named Coleman Younger moved to California and is mentioned in the History of Santa Clara CA - Prominent Pioneer Families. 

" After the death of his first wife, Nancy, Charles settle in Crab Orchard, KY. where he bred and raced fine horses. About 1808 he is reported to have joined a volunteer group that left for eastern Missouri to fight Indians. By 1822 he was living in Calloway County, Mo. on the Auzvasse Creek. He lived for a time in Clay Co., Mo and finally settled in Cass County, Mo. where he obtained several hundred of acres of land.".

Additionally, the following quotes are from an article written by William Preston Mangum II that originally appeared in the August 2003 issue of Wild West magazine:.

" The James-Younger Gang always rode in style. Newspaper accounts of the gang's robberies often reported that the outlaws were mounted on the finest horseflesh in Kentucky. The boys took great pride in their horses, too. According to the Little Rock Daily Gazette, when traveling on a raid, the gang usually rode "two abreast about one hundred yards apart. One man would lead a horse, and he being the odd man, would ride at the rear." This practice, which allowed one horse to rest while the others were ridden, was mentioned by eyewitnesses after the train robbery near Gads Hill, Mo., on January 31, 1874. "

"The James and Younger boys considered themselves sporting men (Frank and Jesse's cover in Nashville from 1877 to 1881; Jesse James was co-owner of the racehorse Jim Malone, which won $5,000 in 26 starts in 1880-81). Alexander Frank James, who was born on January 10, 1843, and Jesse Woodson James, who was born on September 27, 1847, learned to ride and appreciate horses in the 1850s -- and those lessons paid off in the 1860s. During the war and their postwar criminal careers, good horses meant the difference between freedom and capture, life and death."

"In the meantime, the Youngers were racing thoroughbreds in Missouri, Louisiana, Texas and Indian Territory (present-day Oklahoma). Their knowledge of racehorses also went back to their childhood. According to the March 26, 1874, Louisville Courier-Journal and the May 8, 1901, Chicago Tribune, their grandfather Charles Younger, who had moved his family to Crab Orchard, Ky., from Virginia, was a man "of wealth and sporting proclivities, owning stock, and of the anti-emancipation aristocracy." The family eventually moved to Missouri, where Charles' son Henry Washington Younger married Bursheba Fristoe of Independence in 1830. The family home (and Cole Younger's birthplace) was Big Creek, southeast of Lee's Summit.

Someti me in 1869, according to an article in the March 27, 1875, Chicago Tribune, a horse race led to some trouble for Cole Younger in Louisiana, where he had lived for a time shortly after the Civil War and still had plenty of friends. Younger, according to the article, put every dollar he had -- $700 -- on his own horse, "one of the famous long-limbed, blue-grass breed of racers, an animal not fair to look upon but of great speed." Younger's horse had a comfortable lead until someone came out of the crowd waving a cloth, causing the horse to lose its stride and finish second. When Younger refused to pay up, he found himself opposed by an angry mob. His response, according to the newspaper, was to draw two Dragoon revolvers and empty them into the crowd before dashing away. "Three of the crowd were killed outright, two died of their wounds, and five carry to this day the scars of that terrible revenge," the newspaper reported, adding that the deadly affair previously had been "apparently overlooked in the crimes attributed to [the Youngers] by the press." Whatever happened that day didn't keep Cole Younger out of the state. According to a letter published in the November 30, 1874, St. Louis Republican, Cole claimed that he was in Louisiana's Carrol Parish from December 1, 1873, to February 8, 1874, and thus could not have participated in three alleged James-Younger crimes -- stagecoach robberies at Shreveport, La., (January 8, 1874) and Hot Springs, Ark., and the train robbery at Gads Hill, Mo. That March, the Louisville Courier-Journal ran an article stating that Cole and his brothers "all are good-looking, manly, and to a certain degree accomplished gentlemen. They would be accepted at any hotel or on any Mississippi steamer and hardly [be] taken for what they are -- desperadoes without pity or fear." In short, the Younger boys, like the James brothers, had solid roots and were anything but antisocial loners. They were well educated and of aristocratic origin, with the manners of gentlemen.".

This research tends to lend credence to the basic facts of the story about Charles Younger being an afficionado of horse racing and tracks to the geographic locations. It remains, nonetheless, a difficult hurdle to believe one's forebear capable of such cold and unfeeling an action as to toss aside the body of a dead child in order to win a horse race. Then, as now, it took little more than a rumor to put PAID to the documentation of an event that may never have occurred.  

TO Gunslinger Two Cents worth (inflated value): I tend to believe the story of the child being killed in a racing accident and discarded like so much refuse to be a creation of the press. The name Lee found in the Youngers family is no less than the same Lees of Virginia who produced two signers of the declaration of independence as well as Robert Edward himself. The families admittedly being no more than human were certainly not inhuman monsters, but well bred and from loving families.

This treatment of the story was not uncommon in the days in which it occurred, hype sold newspapers then as now, and there will always be fools who are willing to believe anything they read.

For these reasons and the fact that I have no respect nor love of our so called "free press" that I reject the story as a total prevarication.

Larger than Life? Buried Twice - or was it Three times?

Thanks to research of Bob Ferguson, we learn that Charles was buried twice, the first time in St. Clair County (in early 1854, by his favored companion, former slave and mother of two of his mulatto children - Elizabeth Simpson) and later in Cass County (in late 1854 after his legal spouse, Sarah Sullivan Purcell Younger, had him extracted from his grave, placed in a new coffin "fitting for a man of his station" and removed to the family's residential county, Jackson. Henry Pollard turned in his expenses for hauling the body to Jackson County, which is north of his marked resting place in Cass County..

Proofs of Burial in 1854: .


$5.00 for labor of myself and others having digging grave and buring said Younger, November 17, 1854 in

St. Clair County- John Elleston.

Wooden coffin and wooden box to contain coffin, Nov. 18, 1854 - L. Fourniese..

$75.25 for zinc coffin, copper coffin and soldering Dec. 11, 1854 - Jim Dorchester & Co..

$5.00 carriage in conveying coffin from Osceola, Mo to place of interment in St. Clair County on Dec. 11, 1854- Henry Pollard.

$37.50 "conveying the coffin containing the body of Charles Younger "dec" from his later residence in St. Clair County, Mo. to Jackson County Mo. including the labor of opening the place where he was first buried. This 11th day of December 1854 - Henry Pollard.

$5.00 for superintending the enclosing of Grave of Charles Younger, Dec. 31, 1858 - Tillward Ragan.

Dec. 31, 1858 received $126.36 feet of iron railing to enclose the grave - Robeson & Norris.

 SOURCE: Bob Ferguson --- "Flintlocks and Bibles" http://www.hsv.tis.net/~bobf/index.html bobf-at-traveller.com.

September 19, 1859 Thomas Wood deeded the land to Waldo P Johnson at Charles Younger’s death. 26 March 1887 Littleton P Younger and Florence M Younger, his wife sell to Nancy Clinton the quit claim executed by Littleton and Florence 26 March 1887 from Yarnhill County, Oregon. Evidently there was a dispute over the ownership & it turns out that before he died Charles had sold the land in question to Francis and William Sissom. (William sold his share back to Francis) Littleton and Florence M Younger filed affadavits on 26 Mar 1887 from Yarnhill County Oregon. In the court proceedings, my ancestors testified that Littleton had been married to Eliza at the time he was willed the property from Charles but that he had since remarried..

Family Legend

Like any other youth, I didn't realize the gold mine of history in my family and local area of western Missouri and eastern Kansas. My grandmother, Dollie HARLOW-MOORE-OBERG, told the tale of riders coming to her parents' farm to tell of Cole YOUNGER's death. She claimed that she was a first cousin to the outlaw YOUNGER Brothers. Also like any other red-blooded male youth, I had seen all the movies about the YOUNGER, but that was the limit of my interest..


Later in life, as I became interested in genealogy, I considered my grandmother's story to be nothing more than a family legend. I also discovered that both my paternal and maternal sides of ancestors were tight-lipped about their history and it was nearly impossible to start my genealogy the normal way, by interviewing close relatives. It was not long, however, that I discovered my grandmother's mother was Rebecca YOUNGER. And I soon found that Rebecca's father was Charles YOUNGER. Many years went by before I could connect Charles YOUNGER with the outlaw branch.

Charles Lee YOUNGER had two recorded marriages, plus a common law marriage, and children by a slave. One child by his first wife was Milton T. YOUNGER who also had a child, Charles YOUNGER. Through a lengthy process of elimination of other possible Charles YOUNGERs and collection of circumstantial evidence, I had enough evidence to show that my ancestor Charles YOUNGER of Pettis County, Missouri, was the son of Milton T. YOUNGER. Charles Lee YOUNGER's son, Henry Washington YOUNGER, by his second wife was the father of the YOUNGER Brothers - Cole, Bob, and Jim. Charles Lee YOUNGER's daughter, Adeline Lee YOUNGER, by his third and common-law marriage married Lewis DALTON. These two were the parents of the DALTON Gang, Gratt, Emmet, and Bob.

BCooper1 Charles Lee Younger's Will: WILL AND CODICIL OF CHARLES YOUNGER



I, Charles Younger of the County of Jackson in the State of Missouri, being of sound mind and memory, in view of the uncertainty of life and wishing to dispose of my property differently from the laws of decents as in all good conscience I feel that I ought to do, do make and publish the following, my last will and testament, hereby revoking all other wills or parts of wills, which I may have heretofore made.

ITEM 1st. In view of the fact that I have heretofore by deed of gift, conveyed to the six next named persons upwards of Thirty Thousand Dollars worth of Real Estate in common, which is an equal share of my Estate with others hereinafter named whom I am bound by every tie of honor to provide for. I will and bequeath to my beloved wife Sarah S. Younger the sum of one dollar, which with the property given her in said deed of gift is in liew of dower in my estate. I give and bequeath to Henry W. Younger the sum of one dollar. I give and bequeath to Littleton Younger the sum of one dollar. I give and bequeath to Virginia L. Creek, wife of Jacob Creek the sum of one dollar. I give and bequeath to Elizabeth D. Woods, wife of Thomas Woods the sum of one dollar, and to Lucy S. Burten the like sum of one dollar.

ITEM 2nd. I give and bequeath to Parnelia Wilson of Jackson County, the eighty acre tract of land situated in said County which I bought of Hampton, reference being to Hamton’s deed to me. To Have and to Hold the same to her and her heirs forever.

ITEM 3rd. I give and bequeath to Adeline L. Dalton, wife of Lewis Dalton, Jr., the tract of land containing two hundred and ten acres on which said Dalton and wife now live in Cass County near Harrisonville, and one negro girl, slave named Minerva, about twenty-seven years of age which girl slave was hired to Todds at the Noland House. To have and to hold the above land and negro girl unto her the said Adeline and to her heirs after her in tail and not to the said Lewis Dalton, Jr., nor his heirs nor assigns.

ITEM 4th. I will and bequeath that after my death the following slave belonging to me be manumitted and forever set free from slavery or service or bondage to any man, to wit: Elizabeth 22 years, of mulatto color and her two children named Catherine and Simpson. Also Fany, aged between 35 and 40 years, and her two children named Nathan and Washing ton, and that their freedom commence at my death.

ITEM 5th. I give and bequeth to said Elizabeth, Fanny, Catherine, Simpson, Nathan and Washington, named in the 4th Item , jointly, the 300 acre tract of land situated on Little Blue in Jackson County, which I bought in part from John Ross and from Hawkins Estate and in part from the U.S. Land Office, all which land is easily ascertained by reference to the deeds from the last named parties to me and from the Land Office Certificate. To Have and to Hold the same to said last mentioned legatees after their freedom, Forever.

ITEM 6th. I give and bequeath to the children of Wilton Younger, deceased to wit: Rebecca, Charles and Catherine Younger, the sum of one dollar each and this I do because I have already given them as much as I intended to do besides this legacy.

ITEM 7th. After the payment of my just debts and the special legacies herein mentioned, I give and bequeath to Sophie S. Wilson, Charles F. Wilson, Mary S. Wilson, Martha L, Wilson, Jefferson Wilson, Bruce Wilson and Sophronia Wilson, who are sometimes called by the name of "Younger" instead of "Wilson" and whom I acknowledge as my children by the said Parmelia Wilson their mother, all the remainder of my Estate both real and personal to be divided equally between said seven children. In this testimony I hereunto set my hand and affix my seal this 26th day of February M.D. 1852.

Charles Younger (Seal)

At the request of said Charles Younger we hereunto subscribe our names as witnesses to the foregoing Will and Signature.

I. Brown Hovey

John R. Swearinger

At the request of Charles Younger we hereunto subscribe our names as witnesses to the foregoing Will and Signature in the presence of the said Younger this 28th day of October 1854.

Theodrick Snuffer

John Bedell




I, Charles Younger, of the County of St. Clair and State of Missouri, being of sound mind and memory, in view of the uncertainty of life, and wishing to make some farther provisions in regard to my temporal after my death, I hereby confirm each and every provision in my will made in Jackson County, Mo., on the 26th day of February 1852 and reattested by Theodrick Snuffer and John Bedill as witnesses at my request on the 28th day of October 1854 ratifying said will in every particular not altered in the codicil No. 1, and revoking all other wills and codicils heretofore made by me, save and except the will above described and this codicil No. 1 to said will. It is my will and desire that the slaves Catherine and Simpson, mentioned in my will, should, after my death, be known by the names of Catherine Younger and Simpson Younger, and in addition to their freedom absolutely at my death it is my will and desire that my Executor hereinafter named, shall, as soon as convenient after my death, take said Catherine and Simpson to a free state and place them in a respectable school where they shall be well clothed and cared for in every respect and their morals particularly guarded until they arrive at the age of twelve years each, and when they respectively arrive at the age of twelve years each it is my will and desire that my executor hereinafter named shall place each of said children, Catherine and Simpson, at an academy or college of high grade where each may receive a thorough classical education, and each be kept at said academy or college or some other institution of similar character until each of them shall have graduated according to the rules of such institution or institutions of learning, and if necessary, to be kept at school until they are each twenty-one years of age, all the expenses of educating said Catherine and Simpson, including board, tuition and incidental expenses and cost of traveling, to be paid out of my estate. It is my will and desire and I hereby give and bequeath to the above named Catherine and Simpson the sum of Three Thousand Dollars to be paid to them in equal parts when they have respectively arrived at the ages of twenty-one years, and in case either of them shall die before he or she shall arrive at the age of years, then, in that event the whole of the said Three Thousand Dollars to be paid to the survivor, and in case both the said Simpson and Catherine should die before either arrives at the age of twenty-one years, then said sum of Three Thousand Dollars to be considered part of my Estate and included and disposed of according to Item 7th of my will above described and I hereby direct my executor to pay it over accordingly and said persons mentioned in Item 7th of the aforesaid will are hereby confirmed as residuary legatees. In. order that there may be no mistake as to the identity of said Catherine and Simpson for whom I have made and wish to make by this codicil, the most liberal provisions, I hereby state that Catherine is about 8 years of age and Simpson about 6 years of age, both of light mulatto colour, both the children of my mulatto woman Elizabeth and that said Catherine and Simpson and their mother are now living with me in St. Clair County; Mo., and it is my wish and desire that the provisions of my above described will as well as this codicil be liberally construed to promote the Freedom, Happiness, Education and Respectability of said Catherine and Simpson. It is my wish and desire that my son Coleman Younger have and I hereby give and bequeath to him one half of the farm in Jackson County, Mo., upon which I formerly resided for a few days but upon this express condition, that he pay to my executor Twenty-five Dollars per acre for the other half of said farm or pays to me during my life the said sum of Twenty-five dollars per acre for one half of said farm, in either event I give and bequeath to said Coleman Younger the other half. The land included in this bequest to Coleman Younger is the Hamilton tract of land and all the Ross Wilkerson tract of land lying East of the State road running from Independence South except a little of the Hamilton tract and lying East of the Moultry tract of land and said tracts of land above mentioned bequeathed on the above condition contain between three and four hundred acres. I hereby revoke the bequest made in Item 5th of the above mentioned will which shall hereafter be set aside, revoked and held for nought, and the sane land is hereby included in the bequest mentioned in Item 7th of my above described will and I hereby give and bequeath to said persons mentioned in Item 7th the land mentioned in Item 5th and who are confirmed as my residuary legatees. I hereby confirm unto all the slaves mentioned in my above described will, their absolute freedom at my death. I hereby give and bequeath to Fanny and Elizabeth, who are made free by my will, and whos freedom is confirmed to them by this codicil No, 1, the tract of land I own in St. Clair C

Charles Lee Younger

Charles Lee Younger And Sarah Purcell's children:

*1)Coleman Purcell Younger b. 18 Apr 1809 in St. Charles, MO, d. 11 Apr 1890 in San Jose, CA.

2)Peter Younger b. 1780 in Grant County, KY

Coleman Purcell Younger was married three times. Augusta Peters and him had 6 children; Eleanor Murray and him had 7 children; and Rebecca Smith and him had 1 child.


 Picture's of Coleman Purcell Younger

                                                                                                            Coleman Purcell Younger Grave

 Bob Younger

 Bob Younger
 Sarah Purcell Younger Will

 Cole Younger

 The Younger Gang

 Belle and the Youngers
