A Story My Daddy Told Me
Threshing Rack
Betty Kubberness my dad's sister on Buster his horse
My Daddy Donald Ray Kubberness
Fred Kubberness' Farm

My Daddy's horse Buster

My Daddy's horse Buster
My boyfriend and I are truck drivers (I am in the process) and recently we stopped in Peru, IL where my folks live and while my mom was at work my dad came to the truck stop and we sat in Denny's talking. He started to tell me a story about when he was around four years old he would help his dad with the mules and threshing. The mules names were JO and Jack. He spoke of his father (Frederick William Kubberness Jr.) and how he had a special way with horses and mules, my dad's horse Buster would get skittish around bushes and his father noticed this once and walked over to the horse and talked to him and he never got skittish again.. They used the mules for threshing because they worked together better than horses did. My daddy said he always got teased about having mules instead of horses and he hated it.
One day my daddy was leading a new horse around his dad had gotten and he he yelled for his momma to come out and look. She was busy in the house and he had to keep calling her. She finally came to the door and my daddy was so excited to show her how he could walk around and lead the horse so well. A while later his dad told him to leave the horse alone and daddy would cry and ask to take the horse and his dad always said "No" so he would go running to his mom and cry that his daddy wouldn't let him lead that horse no more. He now realizes that his mom told his dad not to let him lead the horse because he was too little and could get hurt. But all those years his dad never said it was because your momma said so.
Later as he grew up he did get his own horse he names Buster. See picture's of him and his sister Betty.
Threshing History:
Threshing is the process of loosening the edible part of cereal grain (or other crop) from the scaly, inedible chaff that surrounds it. It is the step in grain preparation after harvesting and before winnowing, which separates the loosened chaff from the grain. Threshing does not remove the bran from the grain.
Threshing may be done by beating the grain using a flail on a threshing floor. Another traditional method of threshing is to make donkeys or oxen walk in circles on the grain on a hard surface. A modern version of this in some areas is to spread the grain on the surface of a country road so the grain may be threshed by the wheels of passing vehicles.
However, in developed areas it is now mostly done by machine, usually by a combine harvester, which harvests, threshes, and winnows the grain while it is still in the field.
The cereal may be stored in a threshing barn.
Threshing may be done by beating the grain using a flail on a threshing floor. Another traditional method of threshing is to make donkeys or oxen walk in circles on the grain on a hard surface. A modern version of this in some areas is to spread the grain on the surface of a country road so the grain may be threshed by the wheels of passing vehicles.
However, in developed areas it is now mostly done by machine, usually by a combine harvester, which harvests, threshes, and winnows the grain while it is still in the field.
The cereal may be stored in a threshing barn.
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