Wishful Wednesday: Dessie Anna Robertson

Of all my beloved ancestors Dessie Anna Robertson is the one I am most crazy about. Maybe even obsessed. 

This Lady went through alot in her lifetime and I would love to sit in her parlor and have a cup of tea and chit chat.

Dessie Anna Robertson
She had five children from 1891 to 1905. She went through a divorce in 1919 because her husband was showing affections to another women Clara Graham. Dessie sued said women for $10,000 finally going all the way to the Supreme Court she was awarded $2,000. I have no idea if she got any of it.

Then to add to her heartache her son just being newly married and wife pregnant, goes from Hull, IA to St. Paul/Minneapolis N with some friends and goes on a robbery spree which results in a killing of a police officer and he lands in Stillwater prison for about 5 years.

I would love to talk to her and find out what happened to her x-husband Dana Wyman Warren, the family story is, he drowned in the Great Flood of St. Louis and his body was never found. There is however no proof I couldn't even find a newspaper clipping about it. Did he marry Clara Graham??  Was Dessie there for her son Robert Cecil Warren's wife while he was in prison?

Dana Wyman Warren
Here's a letter I found that she wrote to her brother.

Seems from her letter she has her hands full helping her daughter with a new baby that came early. She would of been divorced by this time. I hope and pray the rest of her days were filled with an abundance of love from people who cared about her.
